
Yearly Watercolor Art Book + Limited Edition Pin

Created by Naomi VanDoren

An art book featuring all of my fantasy artwork from 2020 with 2 additional art pins: A limited-edition & an Open edition pin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

And we're done — Let's celebrate!
about 3 years ago – Thu, May 06, 2021 at 02:54:22 AM

Hi Backers!

Just a quick update to let you know that all of your orders are in the mail (yes including my wonderful UK backers from the Etsy-VAT-work-around.)

Yup, that's right! Over 200 orders are all shipped and fulfilled in a week... which might be a record for me?

  • 200+ books shipped out. Yay!
  • 200+ pins created just for you!
  • 24hrs+ of shipping (it has been quite the party)
  • 1 paper cut (a true miracle after handling all the paperwork for international orders)!

Shipping Info

Survey Stragglers

I have a handful of backer surveys that still need to be completed. If that's you, once I receive your info I'll be sure to get your books in the mail and you'll be updated with tracking info when your order goes out.

Tracking Your Order

All orders have been sent tracking information. As always if you have any issues with your orders being delivered I recommend contacting your local post office with your tracking information.

If you're located outside the US please keep an eye on your order updates in case your book is held up in customs.

Here to help

Something I didn't cover? I'll do my best to help! If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email or message and I or my assistant will get back to you.

What's next?

Right now I'm not revealing my next project just yet BUT you can bet I have several I am working towards on the horizon.

You're already in the best spot here on Kickstarter for notifications on when I go live with my next Kickstarter but you can also join my email newsletter which is updated a few times a month with smaller events, new original artwork and more. It will also give you insights into what's coming! 

A big thank you + Share the love!

Any update would not be complete without a bit thank you for your support! Really, for reals, thank you!

I love creating these books with you and it is so much fun to see you share them on social. Feel free to tag me whenever you get your books and pins — I love being able to share in your excitement as your art book and pin collection grows.

And that's all for this project!

Take care,

- Naomi

These Pins look gorgeous! +Survey & Shipping Dates
about 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 05:36:01 PM

Hi Backers!

I wanted to show off the pins which just arrived. I could not be happier with the finish and colors. Yay! Definitely worth the couple extra weeks wait!

Survey & Shipping Dates

When are books and things shipping out? Surveys have been sent out and a record number of you have already submitted your info. Since there are so many I'll be locking the first batch of orders Tuesday (April 27th) to begin shipping things out on Wednesday (April 28th). The next batch of surveys I'll lock and begin to ship out the following Wednesday on May 5th.

UK Backers. Those of you in the UK that ordered via the Etsy link will also have your orders go out here with the rest on April 28th. Thank you so much for working with me on this rather unconventional workaround for the VAT issues. It really means a lot and I'm glad I was able to include you in this project despite restrictions.

(Sadly as a small US business my UK VAT application from January is still "processing". I'm not sure what this will mean for my future Kickstarter projects for UK backers other than I may have to stick with this alternative Etsy workaround for some time.)

Tracking. Since I use BackerKit to handle all of my Kickstarter fulfillment you'll receive tracking info once your labels are printed and ready to go. Please allow 24hrs for your tracking number to get into the system.


Thanks so much for making this Kickstarter experience a breeze. I could not be happier with having so many supportive, and enthusiastic, people around to help fund these amazing projects! You all are the best to work with!

As always, if any questions come up, free free to shoot me a message or an email and I'll get back to you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Naomi

Heads up - Surveys are coming!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:23:26 AM

Hi Backers!

Just a friendly note to let you know that surveys are headed to your inbox. I've been patiently waiting until it's time to ship and we're just a week or two away from shipping time which means — surveys!


Keep an eye on your inbox this week — I'll be sending these out via BackerKit where you can easily add on anything you might have forgotten during the live campaign.

Everything is (just about) in order!

Due to some crazy worldwide shipping delays, the pins are just now arriving on Friday (vs the scheduled beginning of the month) but this is why I always add in extra time to these projects just in case. I'm ready with the books and packing materials plus I have booked my wonderful assistant to come and help me pack and ship things out. It's going to be a busy May and I can't wait for you to get your hands on this latest installment.

That's all for now.

Take care!

- Naomi

Book Sample is here!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 12:01:45 AM

Hi Backers!

Book Sample

Just a quick update with the book sample that arrived a few days ago.

It's as beautiful as I hoped. Thankfully I was very thorough before sending it in so it doesn't need any revisions. Books and pins are both "in production". I'll keep you posted on when they arrive! Still on track to ship things out by our due date of May. Yay!

Here is a quick video flip-through of what it looks like inside.

(*Note, it's an unbound copy so the pages are not glued in this sample)

Pre-Order Shop

In the meantime, I'll be opening up the pre-order store here this week in case you didn't get a chance to back the live campaign.


As with all of my previous Kickstarers I'll be sending out your surveys closer to shipping times to avoid any need for a change of address etc. I plan to give you at least 2 weeks to fill those out before I begin shipping so keep an eye on your inbox in April.

I am using BackerKit to handle all surveys this round. If you want to add-on anything from the live campaign add-ons will be available.


I hope you have been well! And thank you again for making this project possible.

Take care,

- Naomi

Funded! Now to the printers!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 12:06:10 PM

Hi wonderful backers!

First off - I have to thank you for your enthusiastic support for this project, and really all of my projects on here. You are absolutely wonderful and I know you're going to love this latest yearly art book installment.

With each new art book I feel like these just keep getting better, and this project is certainly no exception.

It really truly is amazing to see projects like this come to life each year because of you. You rock!

What's next?

If you've backed one of my other Kickstarters then you already know the drill.

The book:

The book is designed and we're already in progress. The current status for the books is waiting on print proofs. I'll keep you in the loop when those are in. I seriously cannot wait to see that cover in full print!

The Pins:

Digital pin proofs are already here and they look lovely. Next, I'll be waiting on these to be produced. Here's a peek at what the proofs look like if you're curious:


I'll be using BackerKit this round so if you had any add-ons you missed and wanted to add later those will be available when the survey goes out. Timing on that I hope to have everything set up and imported next week - with the Kickstarter add-ons already included it's a few extra hoops to jump through with their team to set things up BUT totally worth it for the ease of shipping things out + add-on feature for you.

And that's all... for now!

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and send me a private message or email. I'd be happy to help.

Now the patient waiting game begins... until the book proofs arrive!

I hope you have a great start to your week. And seriously, thank you again!

- Naomi